The Hibernate QueryException indicates a failure to identify or resolve a specified property in the context of a Hibernate query. Here are some common reasons for this error and how to address them:
- Ensure that the property names used in the query exactly match the names of the corresponding fields in your entity classes. Pay attention to case sensitivity.
// Entity class
public class Student {
@Column(name = "student_name")
private String studentName;
private int studentAge;
// Getter and setter
// Incorrect query
select e from Student e where e.studentname = :value
// Correct query
select e from YourEntity e where e.studentName = :value
// studentRepo.findByStudentname();--->incorrect
2. If you are referencing properties of associated entities in your query, ensure that the relationships are properly mapped in your entity classes.
// Entity class with ManyToOne relationship
public class Student {
@JoinColumn(name = "Address_id")
private Adderss address;
// Getter and setter
// Incorrect query
select e from Student e where = :value
// Correct query
select e from Student e where = :value
3. Please note that HQL and JPQL are sensitive to case. Ensure that your queries accurately reflect the casing of entity and property names.
4. Ensure that the table and column names used in the queries match the names in your database schema. Hibernate uses the entity and field names, not the actual table and column names.