Catching Hibernate Exception SqlExceptionHelper

Catching Hibernate Exception SqlExceptionHelper

The error notice informs you that the column ‘orderdetail_id’ does not have a specified default value and that you must supply one during the insert operation when attempting to insert a record into the database. You may fix this problem by following these steps:

By addressing one or more of these points, you should be able to resolve the “Field ‘orderdetail_id’ doesn’t have a default value” error.

  • Check the database schema to ensure that the orderdetail_id column is defined correctly and not set to require a non-null value without a default.
  • When inserting a new record, provide a value for the ‘orderdetail_id’ column if it’s value is not autogenerated.
  • Ensure that you are connected to the correct database.
  • Drop the table from database manually and re-run the application and make the field orderdetail_id NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,


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